common prescriptions that can lead to prescription addictions

5 Most Common Prescription Drug Addictions

When you think about drug addiction, street drugs like heroin and cocaine may come to mind. However, prescription addiction is also a big problem. Many people are unaware of how addictive prescription drugs can be, especially when their doctor prescribed them. Signs of Misuse and Addiction Pill addiction always starts with misuse. Misuse is taking medication that…

group discusses joining an alumni program

3 Benefits of Joining a Rehab Alumni Program

Completing a detox program is a huge accomplishment and an essential step in recovery. However, the battle with addiction doesn’t end once you’ve finished this process. You’ll still encounter struggles and temptations. A rehab alumni program is a great way to continue to work on your recovery and develop close relationships with peers. Benefits of Joining an…

group learns about residential treatment

What Makes Residential Treatment a Good Option

Residential treatment can help people struggling with addiction gain access to the tools, therapies, and life skills they need to become sober and achieve recovery. It’s hard to get past an addiction without professional help. Enrolling in a residential treatment program allows clients to focus on their health and resolve underlying issues driving their addiction.…