Anxiety causes physical and emotional symptoms. Everyone experiences anxious feelings at times. These are usually tied to a specific event or concern and can resolve reasonably quickly. For those with an anxiety disorder, it isn’t a fleeting feeling. It’s a chronic condition that has an impact on all areas of their life. It’s also closely tied with addiction.
Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety
The fight or flight response is the basis for feelings of anxiety. It was designed to be a response to fear. When humans developed, this system prepared them to deal with life-threatening situations. When the fight or flight response is activated, the body goes into a high alert mode to prepare to fight or flee literally.
However, this response can be triggered by everyday stress as well. Being late for work, a fight with a loved one, and financial concerns are a few of the things that activate this response.
Today’s society emphasizes physical health, but mental health is often overlooked. When someone gets physically ill, they see a doctor. However, they are often reluctant to seek anxiety help. Anxiety disorders are underdiagnosed, and many of those diagnosed do not seek treatment. Depression usually occurs with anxiety, which brings its own challenges and symptoms.
Mental Health Symptoms
Mental symptoms include:
- Nervousness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Obsessive thoughts about the situation causing anxiousness, or the feeling itself
- Avoiding things that cause worry or nervousness
- Difficulty controlling worry, crisis thinking
Physical Symptoms
Along with mental symptoms, these disorders also have physical symptoms.
Physical symptoms include:
- Sweating
- Rapid heart rate
- Fatigue or weakness
- Stomach problems
- Tense muscles
Self Medicating Anxiety
The symptoms of anxiety can be challenging to live with for extended periods of time. It’s natural to want the feelings to go away. The ability to relax, enjoy themselves, and complete daily tasks are things most people take for granted. For those experiencing anxiousness, merely being able to relax can seem like an unattainable goal.
Those with untreated anxiety are likely to self-medicate in an attempt to relieve these symptoms. They may turn to drugs, alcohol, or behavior that changes their mental state. In the short term, they feel better. They are calmer and may feel better equipped to manage life’s challenges.
The problem comes when they begin to rely on the substance or behavior to manage uncomfortable feelings. They are psychologically dependent on it and feel that they have to have it to cope with life. Most drugs cause physical dependence as well. This alters brain chemistry and function and can lead to further feelings of anxiety and depression when trying to stop using the substance.
Addiction itself causes anxiety. The person may find themselves worrying about getting more. They may have financial concerns because they are spending money on their addiction. They may miss work or perform poorly, which causes stress related to their job. Addiction causes a strain on their relationships, which also adds to the problem.
What starts as seemingly beneficial becomes a vicious cycle of increasing anxiety, which leads to increased use. As use increases, stress related to addiction does as well.
What Anxiety Help Is Available?
Mental health disorders are treatable conditions, just like physical diseases. Anxiety treatment can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can leave you feeling confused and not in control of your own thoughts. Understanding the disorder can help you cope with symptoms.
This treatment often includes medication and therapy. Medication can address the symptoms of anxiousness. This can improve your mental health state, so you can better manage the disorder through treatment and therapy.
Seek Anxiety Help at Midwest Detox
Anxiety and addiction cause a vicious cycle, but you can break free with the right treatment. At Midwest Detox in Maumee, Ohio, we offer addiction treatment and therapies to help you recover. We will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs. Contact us today at 833.647.0392, or contact us online to begin your recovery journey.