Some that struggle with cocaine addiction may find it difficult to accept that they need a cocaine addiction treatment program to rebuild their lives. However, accepting this need as soon as possible is essential. Developing a cocaine addiction can happen quickly. The euphoria that cocaine induces is short-lived, which leads to many cocaine users going on binges to maintain the high they’re chasing. These actions can easily lead to accidental overdose, which could turn fatal. Recognizing signs of cocaine use in yourself and your loved ones could save them from death and lead to them taking the first step towards getting better.
Professional help when it comes to cocaine detox and withdrawal can help those beginning recovery. Detox clears the body of addictive substances, making it easier for their minds to focus on a cocaine addiction treatment program. However, emergency medical services are necessary in cases of a cocaine overdose. Are you searching for professional help in dealing with cocaine addiction symptoms? Reach out to Midwest Detox Center by contacting us online or calling 833.647.0392.
What Are the Physical Signs of Cocaine Use?
First, look for physical evidence of cocaine use. Paraphernalia linked to cocaine use may be found in areas people with a cocaine addiction frequent. However, the paraphernalia to look for will depend on how someone uses cocaine, in terms of whether they snort, smoke, or inject it.
If someone is using crack cocaine, they may have burns on areas of their mouth and hands. If they’re snorting cocaine, signs of use include excess white powder around their nose or mouth. Other physical signs of cocaine use include the following:
- Dilated pupils
- Fast heartbeat
- Headaches
- Hoarse throat
- Impotence
- Nausea
- Shaking
- Stomach pain
Cocaine use can also cause long-term side effects. People who have struggled with cocaine addiction for a long time may suffer from damage in their cardiovascular, central nervous, digestive, pulmonary, and reproductive systems. Some of this damage can result in infertility, infections, malnourishment, movement disorders, neurological problems, and sexual dysfunction.
Studies have also shown that cocaine use speeds up HIV infection. Cocaine can impair immune cell function and promote the further reproduction of the virus. Research also shows that people who use cocaine and have HIV may be more at risk of contracting other viruses, such as hepatitis C.
What Are Common Non-Physical Cocaine Addiction Symptoms?
When someone develops a cocaine addiction, they will usually display behaviors that are strange and out of character. These changes will often be more apparent than those that are physical. Some non-physical signs of cocaine addiction can be behavioral and psychological, like the following:
- Anxiety
- Appetite loss
- Bursts of high energy
- Changes in sleeping pattern
- Hallucinations
- Irritability
- Mood swings
- Poor judgment
A dangerous side effect of cocaine use is paranoia. With prolonged cocaine use, this symptom can develop into a full-blown case of a dangerous condition known as cocaine psychosis.
What Are Other Observable Signs of Cocaine Addiction?
Sometimes, people with a cocaine addiction hide physical and psychological signs of their substance use disorder. They may also isolate themselves and limit opportunities for people that care about them to spot symptoms of cocaine addiction.
Some signs of cocaine abuse that are observable from a distance may include some of the following:
- Decrease in personal hygiene
- Extreme weight loss
- Financial problems or a significant loss of money
- Risky behavior
- Sniffling, and a bloody or runny nose
- Stealing or selling property
When you’re ready to put your cocaine use, begin your recovery journey at Midwest Detox Center.
Seek Cocaine Detox at Midwest Detox Center
If you’re searching for a cocaine addiction treatment program in Ohio to help you or someone you care about, contact Midwest Detox Center. Call 833.647.0392 or reach out to us online.